
This is a library that provides a high-level abstraction for extracting memes from popular online websites. Currently, we support extracting memes from:

Here is a short example:

>>> a = RedditMemes()
>>> meme_list = a.get_memes(100)
>>> for meme in meme_list:
>>>     print(meme.get_title())

Why do we care about memes?

According to Wikipedia, an Internet meme is “an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet.” In our case, we care about a specific format of meme: one that takes the form of an image macro and captions.


We find these memes interesting because they are inherently simple. Yet with the right captions and image combinations, memes can become viral in a few hours. (See Bad Luck Brian) We think it might be interesting to investigate into these phenomenons.

Authors: Jingnan Shi, Lingdong Huang, Jason Ma


If you are looking for information on installation and/or how to use a specific method or class, then you can refer to the following:

Indices and tables